It’s Friday. But Sunday’s a Comin’

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“It’s Friday. Jesus is praying. Peter’s a sleeping. Judas is betraying. But Sunday’s comin’.

It’s Friday. Pilate’s struggling. The council is conspiring. The crowd is vilifying.They don’t even know that Sunday’s comin‘.

It’s Friday. The disciples are running like sheep without a shepherd.

Mary’s crying. Peter is denying. But they don’t know that Sunday’s a comin‘.

It’s Friday. The Romans beat my Jesus. They robe Him in scarlet. They crown Him with thorns.  But they don’t know that Sunday’s a comin’.

It’s Friday. See Jesus walking to Calvary. His blood dripping. His body stumbling. And his spirit’s burdened.  But you see, it’s only Friday. Sunday’s comin’.


It’s Friday. The world’s winning. People are sinning. And evil’s grinning.

It’s Friday. The soldiers nail my Savior’s hands to the cross. They nail my Savior’s feet to the cross. And then they raise him up next to criminals.

It’s Friday. But let me tell you something: Sunday’s comin’.

It’s Friday. The disciples are questioning. What has happened to their King? And the Pharisees are celebrating that their scheming has been achieved. But they don’t know: It’s only Friday. Sunday’s comin’.

It’s Friday. He’s hanging on the cross feeling forsaken by His Father.

Left alone and dying. Can nobody save Him? Oooh, it’s Friday. But Sunday’s comin’.

It’s Friday. The earth trembles. The sky grows dark. My King yields his spirit.

It’s Friday. Hope is lost. Death has won. Sin has conquered. And Satan’s just a laughing.

It’s Friday. Jesus is buried. A soldier stands guard. And a rock is rolled into place.

But it’s Friday. It is only Friday.

Sunday is a comin’.

I read this poem to our children today as well as opened the South Side News with these words. Perhaps you’re familiar with Tony Campolo’s sermon “Sunday is Coming” This poem was written by Joyce Bethy Gerguson. I believe it captures the pain and suffering carried willingly by our Savior on Good Friday, but it is also laced with the joyful anticipation of Easter Sunday, the fulfillment of God’s loving promise that began at The Fall. I pray that each family would make the time this weekend to sit together and share in the unfathomable love that was shared with us on Easter Sunday. May you feel the incomprehensible weight of Friday, but know too, that Sunday’s joy is a comin’! Easter blessings to you and yours this weekend!

Chick Week!!!

You hopefully heard from your proud new young “parent” that we hatched a batch of chicks this week. We’re kicking off a new focus of study for the next few weeks on animal life cycles. This is a culminating experience to our animal life cycle study we began with the butterflies in the fall. New life offers many opportunities to see the hand of God. Our expectant parents were beyond thrilled and proud on Tuesday as the baby chicks began hatching from their eggs. We even set aside our work in fractions on Tuesday afternoon to route on a new hatchling. How awesome to see him/her (I didn’t ask) push from its egg. Praise God. It also offered a beautiful link to discuss God offering us new life, born into Him. It’s really been another beautiful week in first grade!

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This doesn’t relate directly to our academic development, but it sure was nice to see kids playing outside without all the hoopla of coats, boots, mittens, hats, etc.

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On Wednesday, April 23–we will welcome an author to speak with our children about the joys of writing…although, I think many of our students could easily talk about the joys they have discovered in learning to write well. I expect we’ll be inspired with new ideas from this presentation.

Amen Glenn Team–One alternative way alumni, parents, staff, spouses, current students, etc. will be honoring Glenn and the team mentality he has fostered during his years of service at Holland Christian will be running the Tulip Time 5k. This run is on May 3. If you feel like running or walking with the team, you can register at You have to select that you ARE a part of a Honda 5K Fit Challenge team. We are the Holland Christian group. The code you need for the discount is (case sensitive) HOLLANDchristian5k.

Chapel-Mark your calendars! Our class has the privilege of leading chapel at South Side on Wednesday, May 7. Each child who is comfortable doing so will be given an important role to play showcasing his/her unique gifts and abilities. If you are able to attend, I can assure you will be blessed. Worshiping God with our South Side children is sheer joy!

Tulip Time Parade-Our first graders will be walking in the Thursday Kinder Parade. Your child will need a dutch costume for this event. No wooden shoes, please. More details regarding times, line ups, etc. will be forthcoming. Tulip Time is such an exciting time of year for children and families (traffic?…not so much) Please let Amanda or me know if you need help securing a dutch costume for your child.

Finally, enjoy these pix of our little peeps (the human kind and fowl) 😉  Blessings to you each on this beautiful Easter weekend!

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Hi Henry 😀


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