Nearing the End

The end is in sight. Can you believe it? As a teacher, I always spend the month of May reflecting on the school year. What went well? What could be improved for next year? Where have the kids grown the most? It is simply amazing to see the spiritual, emotional, social and academic growth that has taken place this year. The amount of prayers that have shaped the lives of each student are uncountable. THANK YOU for partnering with us this year and blessing us with your precious child.

As we look ahead to the final weeks, here are a few dates to keep in mind:

Thursday- May 15th- Next Thursday morning, May 15, our superintendent, Mr. Glenn Vos, will visit South Side for a little retirement fun from our students. Because he had to call a snow day on December 20th of last year, which cancelled our class Christmas parties, we are going to have a little fun with him. Our school will meet with Glenn in the gym for about 20 minutes and have a surprise Christmas party with him. If you could, please dress your child in red and/or green to add to the festivities.

Wednesday, May 21st- Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 21.  Our South Side and Pine Ridge community will host a combined open house for Glenn Vos in our South Side library from 3:00-4:30. Please try to stop in to offer your appreciation and congratulations.

Thursday, May 22nd– Students will take their final Discovery Assessment reading test. Results will be sent home at the end of the school year.

Friday, May 23- ALL library books are due! Please make sure to return any library books you have at home on or before this date. Thank you!

Thursday- May 29th- Field Day at South Side! Mrs. Rosencrans is need of parent volunteers to help pull off this special event. If you’re able to volunteer, please email her at Thank you! 🙂

Monday, May 26- No School!! Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 30th- Final Writing Celebration This is a special day to mark on your calendar! We are having our final Writing Celebration and we want YOU to come and celebrate the hard work that we’ve done. Each student will have their “portfolio” on display to show and share all their different writing pieces throughout the year. Bring your camera, a small appetite and a listening ear and join us from 10:30-11:30 in the music room on May 30th!

Time Capsule-  We will be putting together a very special “time capsule” in an attempt to capture who your child is in first grade. The intent of this “time capsule” is to be reopened upon graduation. What a special memory walk for you and your child! Once you have decorated a shoe box and written a letter to your child, please send it back to school so we can add special items to the box. Thank you for helping create such treasured memories for your child!

Now onto some pictures from the week…

Our week started off with Mrs. Bruxvoort graciously taking the time to come in and teach our first grade kiddos a special poetry lesson. The kids learned how to make a “conversation poem”. What a blessing she was to us! Thank you, Mrs. Bruxvoort!  IMG_1152 IMG_1157


Speaking of blessings…what a blessing our first grade crew was to South Side during chapel this week! I was one proud teacher! Our prayer is that each student will be able to GO and DO God’s work this summer!
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We soaked up the springtime sun and took Writing Workshop outside this week! We learned how to look at nature with a “poets eye”. I was pretty impressed with the poems that were written! Watch out Shell…;) 
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Our week ended on a “sunny” note with the Tulip Time parade. Didn’t they do SUCH a great job marching? Personally, I think this is the best group of little dutch boy and girls around! 🙂 
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Have a blessed weekend! Enjoy the final days of Tulip Time! And…HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! 🙂



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